Yield 5.94%*

Yield based on the most Aggressive Target Income portfolio. Choose from four different portfolio strategies, ranging from 4.45% to 5.94%.

Blended 30-day SEC yield as of 3-02-2025.

BlackRock Target Income

The BlackRock Target Income portfolio is designed to help you limit market volatility, preserve wealth, and generate income. There are four options, each consisting of 100% bonds, targeting increasingly higher yields and should be selected based on your risk tolerance. While the volatility of bonds is substantially lower than that of stocks, investing in bonds is often not without risk. Getting more income from a specific target portfolio also means taking on more risk. This strategy is actively managed by one of the largest asset managers in the world and all dividends are automatically reinvested.
Who it's for
Investors looking for an alternative to a cash account that are willing to take on some risk to potentially generate and reinvest yield
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Holdings Based on the Aggressive portfolio allocation

Allocations as of Feb. 7, 2024

This portfolio strategy has 4 different allocation options to choose from. The “Aggressive Income” portfolio has been selected to show the underlying funds of the other portfolio allocations. Different allocations will have different weights of each asset class. This is not a recommendation to select the “Moderate Income” portfolio as individual client risk tolerance can vary. The holdings shown reflect the portfolio model for tax-deferred accounts, like IRAs or 401(k)s. Expect differences in taxable accounts.

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  • Adjusts automatically.

    Your investments are rebalanced as the market moves once at the minimum account balance, with dividends getting reinvested.

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