Help employees save for education with a 529

Including tax-advantaged 529s in your benefits package helps employees tackle rising education costs and shows your commitment to their financial health.

Build your own 401k
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Why a 529 is a smart option for your employees.

Whether employees are going to school themselves or planning to put their kids through college, our 529 boasts benefits for both you and your employees.


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    Benefits for employees

    checkmark-circle-filled Tax-advantaged.

    Employee investments grow free of federal taxes, with some states offering even more tax savings.

    checkmark-circle-filled Flexible usage.

    Employees can put savings towards tuition and fees, supplies, and even student loan repayments.

    checkmark-circle-filled Professionally managed.

    Employees get their 529 handled by a plan investment manager who automatically adjusts their savings over time.

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    Benefits for you

    checkmark-circle-filled Easy-to-manage experience

    529s integrate into your existing benefits platform so you can manage everything seamlessly.

    checkmark-circle-filled Unique employee benefit

    Gain an edge in recruiting and retention with a benefit hard for employees to find elsewhere.

    checkmark-circle-filled Optional match to grow

    Choose to offer a contribution match to support employees’ educational savings efforts further.

Saving for college is a top concern among parents in the workforce.


Parents find they have to make compromises to save

49% of parents prioritized saving for their kids’ education over retirement.


But companies aren’t meeting employees’ concerns

89% of companies don’t offer a 529 educational savings plan.

Set your business apart with a 529.

Meet your employees' concerns with a solution that adds value to your benefits package. It’s an easy investment in their well-being that gives you a powerful tool to attract and retain talent.
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Ready for a benefit employees are looking for?

Build your own 401k